About MindScape
MindScape is a method that teaches the participant to tap into faculties of the creative and intuitive mind not normally so accessible to our everyday life state of mind. In practical terms, this means that the student learns ways of engaging intuition at will and enhancing creative and intuitive abilities. This offers great benefits and opens vast possibilities for every aspect of life or work. Moreover, the techniques are also powerful tools for personal development, and open interesting possibilities for BodyTalkers and other Practitioners, such as distant sessions. MindScape is taught in two full days online or in person by Certified MindScape Instructors, and includes a detailed manual.
MindScape makes for a fascinating weekend workshop, and many participants attest to it as being one of the most interesting courses they have attended. It can be learned by anyone, with no experience necessary for attending the course. The course is both instructional and experiential, with the Instructor teaching the techniques and then leading the students through hands-on practice. There are no pre-requisites for taking a MindScape class.
Enhancing Intuition
MindScape compliments BodyTalk. It enhances the Practitioner’s intuition, sense of mental focus and intent, and by supporting more “right brain thinking,” it paves the way for more powerful links and sessions. Furthermore, by dovetailing the skills learned in the MindScape course, the Practitioner can effectively carry out distance sessions.
The techniques of MindScape also facilitate interaction with animals, plants and other life forms, and are hence ideal for students of BodyTalk for Animals, PlantTalk and EarthTalk or anyone working in related fields.
Who Would Benefit From taking MindScape?
Are you accessing the full potential of your mind?
Discover your intuitive language
Gain self confidence and learn to trust your intuition
Improve relationships
Enhance your creative abilities
Calm the body-mind and reduce stress
Connect with nature and animals
Gain focus, clarity and improve memory
Unlock deeper levels of awareness
Enhance personal development
Enhance life’s creative energy
I am so excited about this course I didn’t want it to end! It was a powerful experience to
integrate the fundamentals of BodyTalk with MindScape. Heidi was an awesome enthusiastic
instructor that made the class fun and integrative. ~ Nikki
Heidi is always so organized, joyful and encouraging. It is a pleasure to take her courses. I
always come away feeling energized and positive. ~ Brenda
The Mind’s Workshop
The method employed in MindScape draws on the fact that it is possible to tap into the powerful creative and intuitive faculties of the mind by accessing a mental state based in alpha brainwave activity. The participant is led to create a mental framework called the Workshop. This offers great benefits and opens vast possibilities for every aspect of life or work, and is also a powerful tool for personal development.
Practice produces relaxing states and stimulates the process of de-stressing the body and mind. The techniques also allow insight into the workings of the subconscious, conditioning and paradigm limitations and the true nature of what we are capable of achieving.
Topics covered in the workshop include:
Mind Functions: The different functions of the mind and their relation to creativity and intuition.
States of Mind: How to relax the body and the mind, and learning to engage a state that is particularly conducive to creative and intuitive faculties.
Creating the MindScape Workshop: The participant is led to create their own unique conceptual framework, which then serves as a powerful interface for the mind’s intuitive abilities as well as a tool for personal development.
The Guides: Discovering and interacting with the male and female archetypes unique to each participant, another very powerful self growth tool.
The Screen of the Mind: A technique for mobilizing the powerful subconscious mind towards manifesting goals.
Creativity: Using the MindScape method to encourage creativity and innovative thought, useful for art, problem-solving etc.
Sports and Physical Training: An introduction to using mental techniques to sharpen sports performance and enhance physical training.
Healing: An approach to support healing through the MindScape method.
Tuning in to Animals: Through the MindScape Workshop, participants can learn to tune in to animals.
Tuning into other People: One can immensely enhance his/her understanding of others, improve interactive relationships.
The Mental Scanning: A practical demonstration where the participant learn to intuitively tune in to any person at different perceptual levels. This technique employed by medical intuitives is immensely useful for BodyTalk Practitioners, therapists etc. The Scanning is surprisingly easy to learn, with all participants being given the opportunity to practice the technique.