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MindScape for BodyTalkers

Take your intuition and sessions to new levels.


Explore all Workshop tools for your healing practice and life.


Interpret Intuitive information as it applies to the session.


Are you ready for your Workshop to come alive?

MindScape for BodyTalkers is a dynamic, interactive, hands on, three day integration course that will open new levels of awareness for the BodyTalk and MindScape student of any proficiency or level of experience.

Reveal your intuitive language style -form a deeper and more grounded relationship with your intuitive language. Gain confidence with your ability to observe, interpret intuitive information, interact with your client, and to perceive concepts related to the session. Learn to use your most powerful method of biofeedback, your workshop!

a women during a BodyTalk session

Heidi is always so organized, joyful, and encouraging. It’s a pleasure to take her courses.

I always come away feeling energized and positive. ~ Brenda


Heidi has a natural gift for teaching which creates a safe and professional environment

to learn and grow as a practitioner. I felt supported as an auditor. ~ Jan 


Personal healing and nurturing as a Practitioner

Have fun as you facilitate and receive “MindScape style BodyTalk sessions” during the course. Participate in a process for bringing new awareness to your personal healing journey. Plus, new learn processes and insights by observing demonstration sessions from the Instructor. 


Access your Zone:  Enter Workshop quickly, and deeply anchored.


MindScape style BodyTalk Sessions: Invite your Workshop to “come alive,” enhancing client interaction and your ability to perceive concepts. Integrate your BodyTalk sessions and MindScape experience.


Healers Journey: Participate in a process that will bring new awareness to your personal healing journey and deepen your understanding as a Practitioner.


Archetypes: Experience the trans-formative power of applied archetype theory.


3-D Journey: Easily navigate through organs, endocrines, body parts, energy systems and more.


Advanced Scanning & Merging: An accelerated process that enhances your level of observation.


The Zone: Learn how to stay anchored in the zone for long periods of time while interacting with clients, documenting, and holding the space while in workshop.


Your Language: Reveal your intuitive language style and gain confidence in facilitating sessions.


Distance Healing: Begin or enhance your distance practice. Learn which format opens your intuitive style.


Workshop Tools: Expanded uses and spaces to support you in life and business, benefiting the beginner to the most experienced BodyTalk Practitioner.

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